
Undeniably, music releases are one of the most anticipated things for music fans around the world.

So when artists release new songs, fans are excited to hear them and share them with friends.

Because with the evolution of technology, it is now possible to access news anywhere and anytime.

However, the music market is constantly changing, but one thing that never changes is fans' excitement when an artist announces a new release.

 While music is a universal language that has the power to evoke emotions, transport us to different places and connect us with others.


 Additionally, check out the latest music releases of the moment.

It comes from Love I go from Block- João de Neto& Federico, Wesley Safadão

Of course the music industry is constantly producing new hits that keep our ears glued to the speakers.


Above all, one of these hits is “Vem de Love Eu vou de Block” by João de Neto & Federico, featuring Wesley Safadão.

New Songs 2023

 The track has been successful since its release, full of lively rhythms and captivating lyrics, “Vem de Love Eu vou de Block” is proof of the incredible creativity of Brazilian music artists.

Bulldog - Mc Paulin da Capital

Similarly Bulldog, the Brazilian rapper, recently released a music video for his song “Mc Paulin da Capital”.

 The track is part of his latest album, which features a mix of old-school rap and contemporary beats.

“Bulldog’s unique mix of influences is what makes him stand out in today’s Brazilian music scene,” says one music critic.

“It combines traditional elements of funk and rap with modern production techniques to create something new and exciting.”

Looks Fake - Alexandre Pires, Maiara & Maraisa

Alexandre Pires, Maiara & Maraisa recently released a new music video titled “Seem Fake”.

The song features a mix of country and pop styles with catchy beats and lyrics that talk about the superficiality of social media.

You're not like that anymore - Marília Mendonça, Zezé Di Camargo

Marília Mendonça and Zezé Di Camargo are two of the most prominent figures in Brazilian music.

They both released new songs recently, which have gained great popularity among their fans.


 The title of Marília's latest song, “Você Não É Mais Assim”, is a reflection on how people can change over time and relationships can take unexpected turns.

Both artists have always been known for their ability to convey emotion through their music, and these releases are no different.

Send hi- Guilherme & Benuto, Simone Mendes

Manda OI is one of the latest musical releases by Guilherme & Benuto with Simone Mendes.

This song has gained immense popularity among music lovers in Brazil thanks to its catchy beats and soulful lyrics.

The trio's collaboration on this track resulted in a chart-topping hit that left fans wanting more.

Guilherme & Benuto are known for their unique style of country music, which mixes traditional country songs with modern elements of pop and rock music.

 The partnership with Simone Mendes, a renowned Brazilian singer and songwriter, brought a depth of sound that can be heard on Manda OI.


To keep up to date with all music releases, visit Deezer.