
Did you know you can read free e-books on your Android or Apple smartphone? Just download the PDF from a website that distributes free digital books. See the best apps to read free books.

Access to digital content is becoming increasingly democratic, especially considering the lower subscription fees charged by streaming services like Netflix and Spotify.

There are many other fields to be explored in this format, such as the literary field of audiobooks and digital books.

Anyone with an Internet-enabled smartphone can master all the knowledge in the world. The sources of knowledge provided by the Internet are inexhaustible.

Next, discover the best apps to read free books.



Kindle makes Amazon one of the most used e-book reading apps in the world. Now in isolation, to encourage people to stay at home, in addition to books that already existed, Amazon decided to distribute many books free.

And the deals are great, because Amazon has products in almost every category. From romance to fiction, non-fiction, history, etc. You can also purchase the content you want to read.


More importantly, although Amazon sells its Kindle Fire reading device, you can download the app and read books for free on iOS and Android.



The application Kobo ebook will bring you several free books this month, as books from Rocco publishers and many others popular books at promotional prices.

Also, if you are looking for a application which allows you to connect with your social circle and get good recommendations, suggestions etc. then this is obviously a app which you need to pay attention to.

You can use Facebook's built-in function to share quotes, notes and books discussion on social media.

You can access a catalog of more than four million books. A Kobo has its own online store where you can get free books It is books paid.

One of the biggest highlights of this application is, of course, the wide range of file types it supports. O application Kobo is available for iOS and Android.


If you have an Apple smartphone, please note that you can download free books to read in quarantine iBooks. Furthermore, you can read files downloaded to iPhone or iPad through it, and you can access PDF and EPUB formats.

The design of this application It's very elegant and the layout of the application It's not messy. You can choose custom fonts and colors, and switch between day and night modes based on the time of day.

Le Books

Le Books is a Brazilian website that aims to democratize reading in the country. On this platform you will find thousands of books, all public domain and intellectual property.

On this website you can find books in PDF, ePUB (iPad and Kindle) and Mobi (Amazon). You can also read books online without downloading anything.


Google Play Books

If you have an Android smartphone, one of the best ways to download free books To read in quarantine, use the application native to your phone, Google Play Books.

Developed by the same company that developed the mobile operating system, this application lets you customize the reading appearance.

You can change it using font size and color. If you can't understand the meaning of a word, you can use a simple dictionary lookup function.

Read books on your cell phone

Of course, the difference in this Google app is the ease of downloading free books and quick purchases.


Share what you think in the comments. To access the applications, go to Google Play.