
Learn how to get unlimited lives in Candy Crush Right now, overcome all the stages of the game, raise your level, see how simple it is.

We can say that the candy Crush is one of the main games of the moment, with more than 1 billion downloads on the store applications.

However, leveling up is not always a simple task, as the stages pass, the game becomes more difficult. Therefore, having infinite lives is a smart way to not waste any more time.

After all, with only 5 lives it is very difficult to pass some stages, today you will discover the way to gain lives.

Learn how to get unlimited lives in Candy Crush, play until you get tired or until you can overcome the most difficult level.


Earn lives in Candy Crush by waiting for time to pass

In principle, the most common way to gain lives in the game It's just waiting for time to pass. Since every 30 minutes the game returns a life to the player.

Therefore, for you to recover the 5 lives, you will need to wait two and a half hours. However, their lives will be completely restored.


This way, you can resume the phase to try to pass the level you are on. It is true that we are not always willing to wait a long time.


Especially when we almost manage to pass that phase, stay until the end and learn how to get unlimited lives.

Earn lives in Candy Crush by asking friends

Firstly, we have already seen the number of downloads that the game has, considering only the Android store.

It won't be difficult to find a friend who play it candy Crush Also, once you find that friend, it will be simple to continue playing.

All he has to do is give you a life, that way, you will be able to continue playing at the level where you left off. However, he must be online at the moment you need his life, and have his life to give you.

Therefore, this may not be the best strategy for be able to have more lives in candy Crush, although it is a possibility.

Buy lives with in-game currency

The player can choose buy lives to continue playing, the game's currency is gold, with which you can buy more lives.

Doing this is quite simple, as the option appears as soon as you run out of lives to continue playing.

However, you will need to have a lot of gold to buy lives every time you need them. And this is not always simple for all players.

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Another way to “buy” lives is to watch one of the advertisements that appear on video. This way, you will be rewarded with a life.

Or you can still level up, every time you level up, your lives are restored and you can continue playing.

Learn how to get unlimited lives in Candy Crush

However, for gain more lives candy Crush The simplest and easiest way is to put the time trick into practice.

In other words, do you remember that the game returns a life every 30 minutes? This way, all you have to do is change the clock time on your cell phone for the game to give you your lives back.


This way, every time you make this change, your life will be restored in the game. Simple and easy, right?

Take advantage of this way to get more lives, play for as long as you want and never stop moving up a level again. candy Crush.