
You traditional cable TV channels understand that the future is the media streaming and, if they want to stay in business, they must also get into the game. Find out how to watch Telecine for free on your cell phone.

Some of these channels launched their own media streaming platforms for online viewing, such as Telecine Play.

If you sign a TV package which includes the Telecine channels, you can access it for free through mobile app, TV or Telecine website.

Remembering that one of the requirements to attend the Telecine Play free with your plan is to include all six Telecine channels (Premium, Pipoca, Action, Touch, Cult and Fun) in your TV package paga.

Find out How to watch free telecine on your cell phone.


Watch free TV movies with your plan on the website

  • First, access the Telecine Play website;
  • Clique em “Enter” no canto superior direito;
  • Selecione a opção “Já sou assinante do Telecine”;
  • Na próxima tela, selecione sua operadora de cable TV;
  • Faça login com as credenciais de seu operador de TV.

Após concluir o login, os usuários que possuem acesso poderão desfrutar do conteúdo da Telecine Play platform for free at streaming, without the need to watch it on the Cable TV.

Watch Telecine Play for free with your plan on your phone

Follow the steps below in Telecine app on your Android or iOS device (iPhone):

  • Clique nos três arranhões no canto superior esquerdo;
  • Clique para entrar “;
  • Selecione “Filmes de TV”;
  • Escolha sua operadora de pacote de cable TV and follow the steps to enter your credentials.
  • Assim que concluir o procedimento de login, basta aproveitar o conteúdo disponível na plataforma.


How much does Telecine Play cost?

Like others streaming services like Netflix, even if you are not a customer cable TV, you can now subscribe to Telecine Play.


Assim sendo, até agora, os dois planos do Telecine Play include 3 subscription options. Check out each of them below.

Telecine (Basic): custo de R$ 37,90 reais por mês, onde os usuários podem acessar mais de 2.000 filmes do catálogo, podendo ser utilizado 3 telas ao mesmo tempo.

Desse modo, permite que até 5 aparelhos estejam cadastrados e 5 perfis para cada conta. Este é o único plano que oferece acesso gratuito ao Telecine Play durante o período de teste.

Telecine and Globoplay: custo de R$ 49,90 reais por mês, no qual os usuários podem acessar o catálogo completo disponível na plataforma, permite até 3 telas ao mesmo tempo.

Tem direito a 5 aparelhos cadastrados e 2 pessoas podem usar o Globoplay;

Telecine and Globoplay + live channels: payment of R$ 74.90 reais per month, where 3 screens connected at the same time and 5 devices registered on Telecine Play, 5 screens on Globoplay and 4 different devices are allowed (This is the Globoplay plan, which entitles you to broadcast channels at alive.)


Nowadays we can watch soap operas on our cell phones, we can use apps to give our friends a beard, or even age people on their cell phones.

However, sometimes we want to watch movies, so you can watch free movies with Telecine play. Find out how to watch Telecine for free on your cell phone.

Sendo assim, já possui assinatura na Telecine Play? Fale sobre sua experiência nos comentários.

If you don't have a subscription yet, just access the Google Play Store or App Store to download the app or access it through the website to start the subscription.