
Most of the time you have already tried to dance at birthday parties, weddings or any other type of event, however, you were embarrassed for not knowing the steps to your favorite dance, thus missing out on having fun. Applications to learn to dance on your cell phone.

Above all, technology has the purpose of making life easier for Brazilians, in this way, Various apps so you can learn to dance as well as presenting different rhythms, for example, Salsa, Zumba. Hip hop, Classical Ballet and much more.

Furthermore, you can develop your dance practice and skills in the comfort of your home. So get to know the best apps Next.

Just Dance Now

 Later you heard about the Just Dance Now for being famous in the dance game, thus also existing as an application with more 500 choreographies with several rhythms to choose from and learn to dance.

However, as the user improves in dancing, the levels increase, thus creating new challenges while encouraging improvements in choreography skills.


Surprisingly the Just Dance Now It is free cThere are some choreographies available, so to have full access it is necessary to subscribe.

Zumba Dance Offline & Online

Still o Zumba Dance As it is an older rhythm that began in 1990, it aims to improve dancing skills and get in shape.


I certainly application has several videos of Online and Offline mode with Trending, Fitness and children's rhythms.


Because the user can access the service whenever they want, downloading it and then practicing together with friends, increasing the fun even more.

Dance Party

Similarly the Dance Party has the same purpose as o Just Dance which is used the sensor to carry out the steps, this way the image can be transmitted by the TV or computer, and can be connected up to 4 devices  for choreography.

But it is possible to participate in challenges with other players, whether friends or family.

Pocket Salsa

Similarly the Pocket Salsa is intended for users who want learn different rhythms, this way it is made up of several very dynamic videos with the help of two teachers to teach you step by step about each dance.

Steezy Studio

However the Steezy Studio presented several dance videos, with renowned choreographers allowing the user to actually explore the angles and be able to pause the video in order to pay attention to each movement.

Essentially, the platform has 600 classes available with different musical rhythms such as Hip hop, Breaking, Stiletto among others.


Tik Tok

In fact, we couldn't leave out the tiktok, because in addition to being a social network that constantly presents various famous choreographies and musical styles which consists of being applied perfectly, so it is necessary to practice in order to improve your skills and publicize on instagram or facebook in order to reach followers.

Furthermore, the application is free and is available for Android It is iOS.


Therefore, there are several applications presented with different musical styles, as there will be no shortage of options, so choose one of your preference and download it from Google Play Store It is app store.