
However, we know that technology is constantly developing with the aim of adding multiple apps with different functionalities such as, for example, movie app, finance, games, home improvement, etc.

Primarily it was launched applications simulate x-ray, this way the user can simulate the x-ray by  various parts of the body such as: hands, belly, legs and others.

However, due to obtaining entertainment in order to provide fun to the share the images and playing pranks on friends.

So let's list the best apps for taking x-rays on your cell phone, follow below.


Body Scanner

Similarly the Body Scanner has simple functions on its platform, so the user will not have difficulty taking the X-ray.

However, it is necessary that the same choose a body part to carry out the simulation and photograph, this way you can share it with whoever you want.


Xray Scanner Simulator

Precisely the X-ray Scanner was one of first apps to be launched in this way, providing fun results.


Surprisingly the application features very realistic images in such a way that friends believe in the result.

Furthermore the X-ray Scanner  is only available for iOS.

Real New Body Scanner

Because the Real New Body Scanner appears to be very dynamic in order to carry out fun simulations by virtue of asking some questions.

Subsequently, the platform will ask some questions If you are female or male, as well as asking the color of your skin, after answers you will be able to view different fun images.

Xray Scanner Prank

However the Xray Scanner Prank is available free, however the application allows you to view images of the head, hands and torso.

Especially to take images, the user will have to position the cell phone in shape horizontal for then register the members of your choice.

I certainly Xray Scanner Prank does not play cell phone x-ray, only uses resources that provide similar effects  to hospital result.

Then we will show you step by step how to use the Xray Scanner Prank, see below.

  • First download the application, then open it and choose the option “Scan”. Then choose the part of the body you want to record the image from among the options: “Right hand” (“left hand”). “Left hand”, “cheast” (“chest”) and “head”;

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  • Eventually, if you choose “head”, place the cell phone over the member and start the forward and backward movement;
  • After all, if you want to do record the x-ray of other members, perform the same step as mentioned above.


Full Body Scanner

Certainly the Full Body Scanner has the intention of provide fun, this way the service works through questions and, however, at the end it will show a funny image.

Simulate x-ray on your cell phone

Although the user can play around several times and get different results.


Then choose one of applications and carry out simulations different parts of the body and join in the fun to send images to your family.

Although all the apps mentioned above are available for download on  Google play store It is app store.