
We know that, over the years, the technology has advanced a lot. Several applications It is websites were created and developed to provide users with simplicity, practicality It is convenience.

Among the categories existing among these applications It is websites, highlights the health of the woman, where you can find programs for menstrual control, sticky notes in medicines etc., including online pregnancy tests.

Check this post, relevant informations and very important over the applicationHow to know if I'm pregnant” and learn more about online pregnancy tests.

Find out how to take an online pregnancy test on your cell phone.


app How to know if I'm pregnant

Please refer to the app download and usage method below.

This one application was created for respond to women's doubts regarding the possibility of being pregnant or not.


For being a virtual test, will only produce results with greater speed It is practicality. See below for how to download the application and the method of use to carry out the online pregnancy test.

How to take the online pregnancy test?


This one pregnancy test Is totally virtual, therefore the results are based on the answers selected by the user of the application in the initially available questionnaire.

The questions included in the test are to check the symptoms that the pregnant women may present, such as persistent nausea, breast tenderness and delayed menstruation.

O app is considered more like a question and answer game which contains 15 questions. Therefore, candidates must be very honest when answering the questions to avoid making mistakes.

in a way simple and practical, just use “yes” or “no” to answer the questions. The results are based on the number of questions answered “yes” and the number of questions answered “no”.

Example: if the number of questions answered “yes” is 7 or more, the chance of pregnancy is much bigger.

However, if the number of “no” responses is greater than the number of “yes” responses, it is more likely that you are not pregnant.

After completing the questionnaire, the application will generate a report to inform the probability of being pregnant.

However, the results are not official, after the results, is required consult a doctor for carrying out other tests.

This way, you will have a definitive and official final pregnancy result.

The importance of the online pregnancy test

Currently, many women do not go to the hospital or seek quick tests when symptoms such as delayed menstruation or nausea begin to appear, as they are only suspicious or even thought of as a false alarm.

For this, the applicationHow to know if I'm pregnant” can be used as a tool to clarify and resolve doubts, which can reduce the burden of doubt.

The main objective of this application

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It is tool was developed for answer women's questions as quickly as possible.


The questions contained in the application are related to initial symptoms and behaviors, like the condom use. And through the results obtained, it will point out the possibility of pregnancy or not.

Find out now if you are pregnant

Please remember that if you have any questions during the test, do a physical exam.


By sharing this post, it is possible to make others women know about the test also!

O appHow to know if I'm pregnant” is only available on Android devices. To download, go to Google Play Store.