
“Lord Jesus, make sure that whatever I begin with You, I can continue with Your help and finish with Your guidance.” Who wouldn't want to start the day with a prayer like this? Now everyone can!

You applications aims to be a prayer diary on your cell phone, having many cool features.

This way you can see and hear prayers every day for inner peace and comfort from the Lord of Lords.

Check out the apps to talk to God daily.


God and I


You know that moment when you want to pray when you're in a public place? That's what this area is for!

In the Diary space, you can write down your prayers and describe how your day was.


Prayer Book:

In this section, you can enter the name of the person you are praying for and the area of their life that you will focus on in your prayers. prayer.

Week of Prayer:


O app also offers the week of prayer. Here you can do some prayers for something or someone all week and take your notes.

Fasting Alert:

In the options fast, you can choose the number of hours you want fast and activates a timer that tells you when it's finished.


Here you can set goals and follow them, then, when you reach a goal, just mark it as completed.


In this tab you can track your prayer progress.

First, click on the “Start Prayer” button and make your prayer normal.

When finished, you will end the timer and if you reach any tempo, it will already be displayed.

Prayer of the Day – Say your Prayer

This one app It is one of most downloaded in the last few times, which is related to our goal of talking to God every day, is the Prayer of the Day – Say your Prayer.

You Christians download the application for various reasons, for example, the possibility of free use. Furthermore, we can find inner peace even in the most difficult moments.

Additionally, it allows you to perform daily prayers anytime, anywhere. In addition to allowing participation in a prayer group, in order to pray for one another.

A prayer can be read or heard. You can choose personal prayers, narrative prayers of various types, as well as music in your ears.

In other words, in the best way you can find to get in touch with God.

In the last update of Daily Prayer app, some changes have been made to ensure optimal usage and a better user experience.

Furthermore, new personal prayers can be performed each day, including the option of a audio prayer.

There is also the Faith Diary, for people to check your spiritual progress, the latest version comes with the option of no more ads.

“Double PIS Calendar 2022”


The trial is free and has already been downloaded by more than 100,000 people.


Among the comments of app, a user recommended it as follows: “I really like the application because through it I can reflect on my day”.

Applications to talk to God


To download the applications, just access the Google Play Store Or the App Store.