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melhores aplicativos de filtros para fotos

Best apps to use filters on photos

Advertising Similarly, do you want to add filters and effects to your images? So discover the best apps for using filters on photos that are making waves on social media. However, the applications are: Prequel, Facetune2, Picsart, VSCO Cam, Lightroom are examples of the most popular, although they are used even by celebrities. Furthermore, there are many diversities of…

medir pressão arterial pelo seu celular

Measure blood pressure on your cell phone – step by step

Advertising Did you initially know that it is possible to measure blood pressure on your cell phone step by step, which can really help people with blood pressure problems? There are also several applications with this objective, but stay with us and we will teach you step by step how to download and use them in a simple way. However, some of the applications are recognized…

aplicativo para fazer convite virtual

How to create a digital invitation on your free cell phone

Advertising Primarily to create customizable invitations for weddings, birthdays, religious ceremonies, baby showers, among other celebrations, it is possible to create a digital invitation using your free cell phone. Furthermore, using Android and IOS phones, you can do all of this in order to make a personalized invitation with applications. However, the platforms have different models available for many…

Criar vídeos com fotos e músicas pelo celular

Create videos with photos and music on your cell phone

Advertising Did you know that photos from travel, parties and other memorable moments can be stored on your smartphone in video form? Learn how to create videos with photos and music on your cell phone. Some apps can bring super interesting results and filters, allowing you to insert subtitles, music and much more. With them, you can also record and…

aplicativo para desenhar planta

How to draw free houseplants on your phone

Advertising Still want to know how to draw free houseplants on your cell phone? However, there are several applications that may be important for architecture professionals or students. However, experiencing the free service through Planner 5 D, Houzz, MagicPlan for Android and IOS phones allows the user to create a complete sketch easily. Like this …

Aplicativos que faz capa para vídeo do Youtube

Applications that make covers for YouTube videos

Advertising If you want to attract more fans and viewers to your YouTube content, know that it is very important to make your channel more attractive and modern. This way you can achieve as much activity as possible on your YouTube videos. It is worth remembering that not all users have sufficient experience in graphic design or…

ouvir música grátis

Applications to listen to free music without Wifi or 4G

Advertising However, if you are passionate about music and want convenience in listening to your songs, discover apps to listen to free music without Wifi or 4G. However, there are several applications such as Deezer, Spotify, Youtube Music among other options. But some are more popular because of their features and the rest because of their content, so everyone counts...

Aplicativo para organizar futebol

Applications to organize football on your cell phone

Advertising Primarily at the beginning of the pandemic, group sports decreased significantly, thanks to the vaccination campaign there was an improvement and thus being able to use applications to organize football on your cell phone. Certainly with the decrease in cases and deaths from Covid 19, team sports have once again become part of the lives of Brazilians. However, according to information…

Rastrear WhatsApp

How to track a person on WhatsApp

Publicidade Decerto é possível rastrear uma pessoa, desse modo a fim de saber a localização em tempo real veja como rastrear uma pessoa pelo Whats. Entretanto o usuário é preciso estar conectado a internet e assim conseguirá rastrear uma pessoa e descobrir a localização, para saber se a pessoa esta em segurança. Atualmente com as …

filtro de choro

How to use the crying filter in videos and photos

Publicidade Todavia o filtro de choro está fazendo sucesso nas redes sociais visto que é moda por isso vamos mostrar como usar o filtro de choro nos vídeos e fotos. Entretanto o filtro já foi utilizado por vários famosos na internet como pela cantora Anitta que experimentou o efeito e realizou a publicação de dois …