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Envelhecer fotos e vídeos pelo celular

Age photos and videos on your cell phone

Advertising How to age photos and videos on your cell phone? See which are the best apps to find out what you will be like in many years. Concern about old age is a common thing in any culture, every year the cosmetics industry launches new products. These products promise to get rid of wrinkles, or at least,…

envelhecer pessoas pelo celular

Best cell phone apps to age you in photos

Advertising Have you ever stopped to think about what your appearance would look like after a few years? Who never, right? Discover now the best cell phone apps to age you in photos. And it was based on this thought that the aging effects of the FaceApp and Oldify applications were created. Developed to answer that question…

envelhecer pessoa pelo celular

Applications to age people in photos and videos

Advertising Have you ever stopped to think about what you will look like when you are older? Many applications have been created and developed to resolve doubts and satisfy this curiosity. In addition to applications, Snapchat also launched an effect called “Time Machine” that can also make you look older in photos. Check out the apps for aging people...