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música nova

July's trending songs

Advertising Surprisingly, the month of July is known as holidays, however melodies are played all the time, see popular July songs. As long as you love music, always keep an eye out for new releases, including following your favorite singers. Furthermore, with the month of July just beginning, many of the songs are already available…

Top Músicas Julho 2023

Top songs of July

Advertising However, with several releases, there are songs that dominated the airwaves, see Top songs of July. Although in the midst of the routine of the day, one way to bring joy is to listen to music. Because with the growing musical genres, hits are at the top. Furthermore, in this article we aim to list the different…

Top músicas mais ouvidas de Junho de 2023

Best Songs of June 2023

Advertising Initially, as the summer of 2023 heats up, so does the music scene, find out the Best Songs of June 2023. Because with new releases dropping left and right, it can be difficult to keep up with all the hits that reached radio stations and streaming platforms. …