
Did you know that it is possible for to watch The novelwetlandto alive and online at the Globoplay. This plot, which was successful in 1990, is broadcast daily after the “Jornal Nacional”. Watch the soap opera Pantanal for free and without Internet on Globoplay.

With this, users have free access to both transmissions to alive gives TV Globe as for all previous episodes.

THE streaming can be tracked by PRAÇA or smartphone. All chapters are available after viewing on streaming platform.

See now how watch soap opera Pantanal free and without Internet on Globoplay:


Watch soap opera live on PC

Access the page of Globoplay and click “Now on TV” to see the live programming from the TV Globe;

Click the “Watch Now” button to login or register free in the Account Globe;


Login using email and password. You can use Facebook or Google account data. Then click on “Enter” and wait for the chapter gives novel start.

  • Watch soap opera live on mobile
  • Access the application Globoplay. At the bottom of the screen, find and press the “Now” tab. Then, press the “watch Now" To register;
  • To login, use the e-mail and the password registered in Account Globe. It is also possible to use data from a Facebook or Google account.

Then press the “Enter” button to start the streaming gives novel.

If you are not a user, you need to register.

“How to watch the free soap opera Café with a woman's aroma on your cell phone”

How to find and watch full soap opera episodes on PC

Access to page of Globoplay ( and click on “Soap operas” to access the list of series available at platform;

Then select the novelwetland” to access the list of episodes complete;

In the section “chapters” will display all episodes available. It is also possible to search for a chapter on its final day by clicking on “Search date”;

Click on the button "To apply" to do Login with the Account Globe;

To login, use the e-mail and password registered at Account Globe. Click on “Enter” to start the chapter submission.


How to find and watch full episodes of soap opera on mobile

to watch the episode complete gives novelwetlandonline in your cell, access the application Globoplay. Tap on the “To explore” located at the bottom of the screen.

Once this is done, click on the “Soap operas” to see a list of episodes available;

  • Scroll down and select the novelwetland“. In the section “chapters“, all the episodes available. If you wish, you can search for a chapter by date by clicking on “Search date”;
  • Tap the “Watch now” to access the screen Login gives Account Globe. Then do the Login using your emailmail and password registered. Press the "Enter" button for that to preview the soap opera chapter and watch.
  • If you are not a user, register.


Now that you know every step by step, download the app free by Play Store or App Store and watch the soap opera Pantanal live or in full online at Globoplay.