
Do you find it difficult to find someone who doesn't like you? song? Everyone has their favorite artist, favorite artist, band, style of music, etc… Unusual facts about music.

And why is music so compelling, shaking the world and changing people's minds? What we do know is that the song gives us meaning in most of our lives,

Therefore, we have gathered some facts about music to share. know more about the most unusual curiosities about music and that you may have never heard of.

5% of the world population does not like music

Initially, let's talk about the so-called "Musical Anhedonia”, in which it hits 5% of people, who just don't like song.


Remembering that it is not a disease, they are simply people who like to hear other things that touch the ear instead of listen to music.

Did you already know about this curiosity?


Music can be used to treat people with stroke and Parkinson's disease

Numerous studies show that there is a strong relationship between music and motor coordination, It's ours postural control and balance.


Neurologists say that the music therapy prolonged can greatly improve the health of a patient in this state.

Therefore, we can say that, listen to music there are many positive effects in our body when we started to hear song, radio waves emitted by speakers or headphones that make the eardrums vibrate.

Therefore, this movement can trigger a series of electrochemical signals that reach the auditory cortex and, from there, the sounds are analyzed in relation to their characteristics.

Generally, as if all areas of the brain are talking to each other.

Listening to music affects your emotions and the way you see the world around you

Research indicates that the music style that you hear has the power to affect how you feel.

In other words, when you hear a song like Don't Stop Me Now – Queen, or Jealous – Labrinth, both are in perfect harmony.

A different style, where a song one is fun and the other is sad.

Research proves that our brain associates information with a variety of nerve impulses and makes a total.

So, gradually, the tone of music joyful he can lift your spirit and make you see and feel better about everything around you.

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Music accelerates plant growth

According to a study carried out in South Korea by the National Institute of Biotechnology, plants grow faster when you play music.

Scientists were surprised to find that the sound caused a reaction in two named genes, rbcS and Ald. Also known to exhibit similar responses when exposed to the sun.

Therefore, they decided to repeat the experiment in a dark place without contact with sunlight and were surprised to find that the plant had the same effect on music cultivation.


Only one in 10 people can see a musical note by ear, without reference

It is rare when a person is born with the ability to hear and see a musical note without having a reference tone.

That is, a person born with this ability you can detect the sounds of a musical note in any sound or sound that emits a Touch.

In addition, this ability to recognize a musical note can be developed in a child, up to 5 years of age, with constant training.


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