
Get ready for the songs that promise to dominate your ears, so check out Músicas em Alta in February.

Later, with great new artists, they are ready to surprise with engaging lyrics.

With the arrival of the beginning of the new month, launches promise to please different styles.

So, to find out more, follow now Músicas em Alta em February.

Pedro Sampaio - POCPOC

Pedro Sampaio is one of the most promising artists in Brazilian electronic music, and his new album POCPOC is winning the hearts of fans around the world.


With a unique blend of catchy beats and catchy lyrics, Pedro Sampaio has brought new energy to the electronic music scene.

His ability to mix elements of funk, country music and pop in his music makes POCPOC's tracks stand out in the current music scene.


Pedro Sampaio's success goes beyond national borders, as he has been recognized as an innovative artist who is redefining the limits of electronic music.

Macetando- Ivete Sangalo and Ludmila


Discovering new music always brings a unique excitement, and in February 2024, two hits that have been blowing up the charts are Macetando da Ivete Sangalo and Ludmila.

With engaging beats and captivating lyrics, these songs have won the hearts of Brazilian pop music fans.

The mix of rhythms in Macetando brings a contagious energy that reflects Ivete Sangalo's musical versatility.

Meanwhile, Ludmila presents a more urban and danceable style, with a powerful message about self-confidence and female independence.

Both songs capture the essence of today's music scene, offering listeners a vibrant, characterful experience.

Let's GO - DJ GBR, MC IG, MC Ryan SP

Discover the most engaging beats of the moment with Let's GO, the explosive new collaboration between DJ GBR, MC IG and MC Ryan SP.

This dynamic, pulsating track is the perfect combination of catchy rhythms, catchy lyrics and addictive beats that will make you want to dance until dawn.

With a mix of musical influences, Let's GO promises to lift everyone up with its contagious energy.

The combination of the individual talents of DJ GBR, MC IG and MC Ryan SP resulted in a true musical masterpiece that is conquering fans around the world this February 2024.

Flow Day - Ana Castela and Ludmila

Then the explosive new collaboration between Ana Castela and Ludmila with their exciting track Dia de Fluxo.

Combining Ana's powerful voice with Ludmila's undeniable talent, this song promises to win the hearts of pop and R&B music fans.

The pulsating beat and catchy lyrics deliver an irresistible mix that's sure to get you up and dancing.

Dia de Fluxo is an anthem for those who want to celebrate freedom and authenticity, full of the contagious energy that only two stars like Ana Castela and Ludmila can provide.

Perna Bamba - Parangolé and Leo Santana

Perna Bamba has been one of the most played songs in February 2024, with its catchy beat and catchy lyrics.

The partnership between Parangolé and Leo Santana brought new success to dance floors across the country, mixing elements of Bahian pagode with the contagious energy of funk.

 The combination of musical styles resulted in a unique fusion that quickly won over the public, showing how Brazilian music continues to renew and reinvent itself.

With a fast pace and bubblegum chorus, Perna Bamba has everything to become the anthem of this year's carnival parties and blocks.