
Certainly many people are looking trucks for different occasions, for example: for a company with the intention of expanding due to demand or for own investment in order to start a new business.

However, with an increase in truck price making the purchase is, however, difficult, so a good alternative is participate in truck auction for the purpose of possessing more affordable prices by virtue of obtaining advantage to have your own truck.

So let's explain how truck auction works, how to participate, the advantages and how to do a good business follow next.

How the truck auction works

Analogously the truck auction occurs through public or private institutions, so interested people offers your bids Since the vehicle is sold to the highest bidder.


Furthermore, given the auction organization institutions include different models of trucks making it possible to find small and large models.

How to participate in the truck auction

Initially for participate in the truck auction it is necessary to find a safe website that already participates in auctions which, however, already offers this type of service, such as, for example, the VIP auctions.


However, to participate it works very simply, see the step by step Next:

  •  Firstly access the website or download the application and carry out the register;
  • Then locate the auction schedule then choose the truck you want to buy;
  • For how much search for information about the truck read. Right after make your bid which you are willing to pay;
  • Finally, you need to be careful to know the actions that occur in the final negotiation period, as the highest bidder wins the vehicle.

However, it is important to remember that interested people who do not have a registration with the VIP auctions complete the registration three days before closing, by virtue of answering questions and event information on the website page itself.

Surprisingly the VIP auctions has buyer technology to track the live auction on your cell phone anywhere.

Advantages of buying a truck at auction

primarily the truck auction is an excellent opportunity to carry out the buying a truck, thus having a value below the Fipe table arriving at the percentage 50% to 80% of market value.

This way the buyer will be able to have great economy as well as finding models with few faults.

After all, see the main Advantages of buying a truck at auction:

  • Low price
  • Wide variety of models
  • Safe buy
  • Decision power

How to get a good deal when buying an auction truck

“Buy Sloops at auction from R$ 950”

It is certainly extremely important to analyze the truck condition, thus searching for documentation to see if it is up to date.


Although you do your financial planning while checking the market value of the truck and that of auction for the purpose of knowing the value intend to invest in the vehicle.

Buy truck at auction


Although for more information about truck auctions, access the VIP auctions or download the app from Google play store and app store.