
Are you a gamer who wants to learn how to stream on mobile? Check this post and learn how to stream games from mobile.

As you probably already know, on computers we have several programs that help in our life and in our work as game streamers. But when we switched to our phones, we were a little lost.

Learn to stream from your phone! There are several ways to do this, and several programs are available.

See the ways to stream from your phone and how to go through each process.


Stream mobile games

Before learn to stream on your mobile device, the first thing you need to do is create your account where you will do the streaming.

Since all top game streaming platforms It has its own application and, second, because not all apps support the streaming of your screen.


Generally speaking, the top streaming platforms are:

  • Twitch;
  • Facebook Gaming;
  • YouTube;
  • Mixer.

Of these, only the facebook gaming allows cast from phone screen. Check out!

facebook gaming

O facebook gaming app is the official choice for those who want to know how to stream from your phone.

If you are already a user of facebook gaming, just install the application and follow these steps.

1st step

The first step you must take in facebook gaming is to create a page for you. Not to be confused with your profile.

To broadcast lives via application, it prompts you to create a page. This is a great opportunity for you to create your own Facebook gaming channel.

At first, to create your page, just enter your default facebook app, go to your options menu and click on “Pages”.

2nd step

After creating your page, you need to open the Facebook Gaming app and select it. This will give you access to the application options.

The application is very simple and know how to stream on mobile is easy. Just click on the icon "Live” and select the game you want to stream.

O application offers many features and if you like the facebook platform, it's a great place to focus on your match.

Other mobile streaming platforms

for others platforms, you must specialize in apps for stream on mobile devices, like the Mobcrush.

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There are several apps that can help you discover how to become a streamer, but two of them stand out for their quality and ease of use.


mobcrush it's a great option. Widely available in Brazil, it gives access to multiple live streaming options to any game on your cell phone.


With it, you can stream to major platforms, as:

  • Twitch;
  • Facebook Gaming;
  • YouTube;
  • Mixer.

Streaming on Mobcrush is easy. See the step by step.

Firstly, just download the application in your device's store, Android or Apple, and launch it.

Stream games from mobile

In sequence, to start your Live broadcast, just click on the blue icon with the camera or even access the menu and select the appropriate option.

Then, after clicking on this icon, you will be able to select the option Live.

Then choose which will be the your broadcast game and start the live.


To download the apps mentioned above, just access the Google Play Store or App Store and start your game stream.