
First of all, the organization of music country in Brazil it is considered very important, standing out as the most influential musical rhythm. Check out the best country singers today.

In the 1980s, the countryside increased drastically, where the peak of songs Brazilians to this day. Therefore, the genre is considered traditional, in addition to being completely national.

Furthermore, the songs are considered the urban environment of music country, where the main instruments are the viola and the harmonica.

And sometimes it is called viola fashion, accompanied by a melancholic rhythm, and which most of the time, produces songs of love, which tell a certain type of story of love and betrayal.


So, check out the best country singers today.

Marilia Mendonça

Marília was one of artists youngest of industry from the music.


Furthermore, the songs by Marília were always considered melancholic and reflected the processes of conquering love and discovering betrayal.


Until then, Marília Mendonça was also an excellent composer, and several of its songs they were sung by other artists, before and after their peak of success.

Before presenting herself as an incredible artist, Marília dedicated his time to writing songs unpublished. in which they still have a good reputation among songs country people.

Even after your departure from this world, Marília continues to be heard by platforms musicals for everyone.

Luan Santana

Luan Santana and the Country singer most famous today, he attracts crowds wherever he goes and is one of the artists who represent the new era in the world countryside.

However, in addition to being the owner of beautiful successes musicals, has participated in soap operas, films and countless shows.

He has many female fans, who have followed her for many years, since she started singing at a very young age.

Jorge and Matheus

The duo Jorge and Matheus are one of the most successful in Brazil, with songs unforgettable. Appear slightly ahead of artists of today's new world.

Furthermore, most artists in the world have such great admiration for them that they have formed good relationships over the years.

Henry and Julian

Henry and Julian are a couple of young people singers country people, who won a great title in the world of music Brazilian.

However, making your songs fascinating in much of the country.

Gusttavo Lima

Gusttavo Lima is one of the greatest representatives of the movement musical at the moment.

And even though they have good hits musicals, is one of the few owners in the country to return to work in the world of music.

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Fernando e Sorocaba

Even though it is considered old by many, the duo Fernando and Sorocaba continues to be one of the most listened to throughout Brazil, similar to the time of Jorge e Mateus.

Until then, the two sang great songs, and they make a very important impression on songs from other artists.

Furthermore, Fernando e Sorocaba also contribute to the growth of other artists, as they have a company focused on the area of music country.


Maiara and Maraísa

Maiara and Maraísa are a milestone in the musical development of the country rhythm.

The duo performs shows across the country, where they introduce a sophisticated musical style. Furthermore, the country duo are one of the biggest duos in Brazil.


Beyond the country singers mentioned above, there are other artists who are also part of the current world of country music.

However, the artists listed end up gaining a lot of attention for their beautiful songs.