
Certainly what makes a woman restless is the desire to know what baby sex, this way it is possible to find apps that guess the baby's gender.

Initially based on this concept, several applications this objective for pregnant women.

However the “Boy or Girl” app? Which focuses on helping women during their pregnancy and understanding the baby's sex.

Furthermore, it is often held by many couples as a revelation tea, as the future mother find out the baby's gender becoming one of the most striking phases.

So now see the apps that guess the baby's gender.


Application to find out the baby's sex

Eventually the application offers a simple step to search for the data provided.

Later, the pregnant woman will be able to enter information such as her age and the date on which the Baby.


Thus, the platform helps with data provided by the father, as more details in the information will be available. girl or boy.

Is the Application available for Android and IOS versions?


Primarily the application is available in the version Android and IOS, thus they are free and has the function of knowing the baby sex through your cell phone.

The future mother must download it from the website, as you can access  download the app.

But if you want to search by name, you must type “Application Boy or Girl” in the Google search field and tap the first link.

However, you must wait for the installation to complete so that you can open the application and discover its features.


However, you can organize games to provide a memorable moment, such as hand games, cutlery games and playing games.

After all, meet with family members about find out the baby's sex, however in order to create games and revelation tea consecrating gifts.

Guess the baby's sex

Beforehand, you pregnant woman who wants to know how guess the baby's sex before any medical confirmation through examinations, then use the app.

Certainly with the “Boy or Girl?” app you already have the information you need in order to execute.

In fact, the service does not display 100% for sure, since only exams that prove baby's true sex.

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But according to research related to users, the app reaches 87% In view of the evaluation of 1,300 people who confirmed the result, it is correct.


Therefore the application It's a lot of fun and has great possibilities for adjust your baby's gender.

Baby Gender Calculator

Similarly the Baby Gender Calculator which aims to perform calculations to find out whether the baby will be a boy or a girl.

Although the platform worked based on date of birth, in addition, the percentage reaches 75%, not giving certainty of the result.

Unexpectedly the Baby Gender Calculator It's like a kind of sympathy with calculations that are difficult to understand.

Although to use it you need to enter data with: your parents' date, family members' birthdays and the pregnant woman's menstrual cycle.


To download go to “Application Boy or Gir” It is Google play store It is app store.