
Certainly contents of streaming are on the rise, reaching many listeners, however the podcast It is one of the entertainments watched by many users as well as various topics reported in each video posted by various YouTubers.

Similarly, anyone you can create a podcast, as you can have the freedom to talk about any content, thus making the recording more fun bringing guests who know about the subject to be discussed.

However, this way you can perform the recording in your home, no need for professional equipment to edit podcasts.

Furthermore, we will list the best apps for podcasting on your cell phone find out below.


Speaker Studio

Surprisingly the Speaker Studio consists of being a very complete application for beginners or those experienced in the subject, thus allowing recording for radio, music and even podcasts with high quality, thus the user will be able to record, publish, distribute and analyze anywhere.

However, the platform allows sharing on Google podcasts, Apple podcasts, Spotify. iHeartradio and podchaser.


Above all, the application has several functionalities, as well as being possible save audio clips and merge with copyright songs.


However the Speaker Studio is free, however, for users looking for even better functions, it is necessary to subscribe to make the videos more incredible.


Primarily the Anchor is free, it is still possible to record and edit the way you want, thus including music.

Indeed, the application interacts with Spotify leaving Post a podcast episode on your cell phone.

Because we are going to show you step by step how the Anchor, see below.

  •  Firstly, it is necessary create an account on the app if this is the first access. Then fill in the Log in with the email you created and then enter your password.
  • As you will already have access to the home page, to enter additional recordings, click on the option "tools" in this way the user will be able to perform podcast recording;
  •  So, if you wish, you can invite friends For recording, click on the option “invite friends”. Precisely throughout the recording, it is possible to select markings at certain times by tapping the option “add flag”;
  •  However, with the application it is possible to add songs by clicking “add background music” while selecting the desired song. Then click “+” to include the song in the recording;
  •  At first, to edit, tap “Podcast settings” It is “set up your podcast now”, then name the recording.
  • Finally, on your profile page, click “ellipsis" then click "account configurations" and update the necessary information.


Afterwards the Podbean, you have the option to watch the podcast and create your content, however, while you register to start recording.

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Above all, time recording is a maximum of 90 minutes, once finished you can edit and customize it however you want with the available tools.

You will certainly be able to store the application 5 hours of recordings, which is equivalent to 100 GB space.



Beforehand the Dolbyon it's possible auto-record recordings, broadcast live and make edits.

make a free podcast on your cell phone

Furthermore, the application stands out for its functionality and practicality to perform various functions, thus allowing you to leave the video with good quality, added the various effects available.

Although the Dobyon is free and available for Android It is iOS


Therefore, the mentioned applications can be downloaded from Google play store It is app store.