
However you love sing and try to practice in some way voice whether in karaoke, under the shower or in other places, you know that it is possible to have technology help due to improve your voice and actually achieve your dream as a singer. Best apps with singing lessons.

However, we know that for those who dream of entering a musical career, it is necessary have a good voice, preparation while investing in your career.

Furthermore, with advances in technology you will be able to train your voice in your cell phone, as well as through the best apps with singing lessons, find out below.

Vocal Pitch Monitor

Similarly the Vocal Pitch Monitor which has the purpose of training your voice.


This way, analyzing possible imperfections and through practice in order to know how many notes you can hit.

However, the user may sing several songs, since the application indicate which song you have an affinity with in the lyrics and this way, from training you will be able to improve your singing.


AV phonetics

Primarily the Av Phonetics presents the functionality of exploring the phonetic alphabet with several exercises in order to work on every detail.


Surprising during vocal training the platform provides information on how study each letter of the alphabet, vowels and consonants.

And also know which consonants have the most intense sounds and much more.

While the application offer video classes so that the user can understand or understand each piece of information step of practicing.

Learn ToMaster: Voice training

I certainly Learn to master bring in singing course be, but realistic, in this way the Vocalist needs to listen carefully to the music playing It is start singing into your cell phone's microphone.

Since the evaluation is done automatically through the artificial intelligence.

Initially, the platform was created by professionals and teachers who have extensive knowledge, including learning techniques.

Because through the graphics it will be possible to see your level, and with each new stage completed you will be able to know the evolution and performance.


Precisely the Vocaberry is considered one of the best apps, as you will be able to practices such as: dynamic classes, tuning exercises, singing techniques and tone practices since developing continuous improvement to publicize your talent.

Especially during your training you can record your voice and listen after recording in order to improve even more.


Certainly the Smule provides a way, but fun singing lesson, thus developing song practices like karaoke or release a cover on your social network.

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Furthermore, the platform performs several functionalities since the Vocalist can train individually, in pairs or in a group.

As well as carrying out video recordings to the sound of your favorite music.  


After recording, make the necessary edits by adding filters and share on your social networks.

Learn to sing on your cell phone

In fact, when you're singing the smule add one special filterl that does not register vocal imperfections due to bringing a good voice, thus being able sharer with friends.


Although all the applications mentioned are available for free and can be downloaded from the online store, Google play It is app store.