
Lose weight in Photos with the help of applications It is publishers with options like remodel, to lose weight, leave with thin waist It is flat belly.

In stores applications for smartphones, the options are plentiful, with many features to To edit every inch you want.

Some of these apps are easier to use, others require more skill from the user to obtain more realistic results.

There are also applications which only have the ability to look slimmer in photos, without any extra features, which makes it easier for those who use them.


Check out the applications to slim people in photos.


O Cymera app features beauty options where users can reduce waist, reshape the breasts, make the legs clearer and even appear taller in the image.


This is another Photo editor with many features, allowing users to edit saturation, hue, contrast and others photo details.


O Cymera can be used on both Android and iOS devices.


Use AirBrush for remodel the body, reduce waist and give to image a slender appearance.

With it, users can modify the tones of images, resize them, even out the skin, whiten teeth and even brighten their appearance.

O AirBrush app is available on Android and iOS.

Perfect Me

O Perfect Me app It is one of weight loss photo editors more popular.

Furthermore, the application can make people in images appear taller, with the caveat that overuse of the resource of weight loss will distort some image details, so be careful!

It also allows users to adjust skin tones, remodel details of the body and face, such as nose, mouth and eyes, as well as adding details to the skin, such as tattoos.

O app offers the main features of the free version, ensuring users can make numerous changes to their photos.

Perfect Me is available on Android and iOS.

Body Tune

Body Tune It is one of publishers which allows the user to change only the body details.

O app offers options for slim the waist, make people taller, change the size of breasts and hips, change skin tone and even change the angle of the image.

However, the editor role It only works best when the subject's body is always facing forward.

Otherwise, the body adjustments will be very distorted and the image will appear distorted.

O Body Tune can be used on Android and iOS devices.

Fotogenic: Photo Editor

Photogenic has “thinner” and “beautiful” options for to lose weight in photos.

Among them are the body modifications available, such as slim the waist, contouring the abdomen, increasing height, whitening teeth and even reducing marks on the face.

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Although the Photogenic have a variety of photo weight loss tools, many of them are only available in the paid version of application.


Even so, some changes are already possible with free editors.

How to stay thin in photos

Fotogenic: Photo Editor can be used on both Android and iOS devices.


To download the applications, just access the Google Play Store or App Store.