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Showing: 18 RESULTS
medir pressão pelo celular

Applications to measure blood pressure on your cell phone

Advertising Blood pressure is the pressure inside the arteries through which blood passes. This force is defined by the heartbeat, the organ responsible for transporting blood throughout the body. Best apps to measure blood pressure on your cell phone. Its measurement is essential for people with high blood pressure, and knowing the best …

medir glicose pelo celular

Top apps to measure diabetes on your cell phone

Publicidade Sabemos como é importante cuidar da saúde, estar atento ao todos os sinais que o nosso corpo apresentar. Veja os top aplicativos para medir a diabetes pelo celular. Pois que realiza o controle diário da diabete sabe que é preciso ter o nível da glicose controlado, para evitar complicações futuras podendo obter outras doenças …

aplicativo para medir saturação

Applications to measure saturation with your cell phone

Publicidade Decerto acompanhar a oxigenação do sangue é de suma importância, no entanto com intuito de saber como estar o estado de saúde. Ademais no momento que estamos vivendo com o surto da variante Ômicron que estão deixando muitas pessoas preocupadas, dessa maneira redobrando o cuidado com saúde ficando em estado de alerta. Contudo a …

aparelho dentário do sus

See how to get free dental braces through the SUS

Advertising As we all know, orthodontic braces are responsible for correcting the position of the teeth and bite. However, this treatment has a fixed monthly fee for those who use it, which is not always affordable. See how to get free dental braces through SUS However, what many don’t know is that this treatment can…

teste de gravidez virtual

How to take an online pregnancy test on your cell phone

Advertising We know that, over the years, technology has advanced a lot. Several applications and websites were created and developed to provide users with simplicity, practicality and convenience. Among the categories that exist among these applications and websites, women's health stands out, where it is possible to find programs for menstrual control, medication reminders, etc., including tests...

aprender artes marciais

Top apps to learn martial arts on your cell phone

Advertising You've certainly seen many films about martial arts many times, such as: Karate Kid, The Awakening of the Legend, The Great White Dragon, The Weapon Master, Ong Bak- Sacred Warrior, among others. Similarly, one of these films has already sparked interest in learning martial arts as a defense mechanism in order to…

dentista grátis

How to get a free dentist in Portugal

Publicidade Decerto sabemos como é importante cuidar da saúde bucal, desse modo podendo evitar diversas situações que vão além de limpezas e obturações e muitas das vezes necessitam de tratamentos específicos, dessa maneira gerando um custo alto. Mas diante do sistema saúde publico de Portugal será que os brasileiros podem ter acesso a PB4 e …

medir pressão arterial pelo celular

Check out apps to measure blood pressure on your cell phone

Advertising With technological advancement and authorization from the Korean Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS), check out the apps for measuring blood pressure on your cell phone. Blood pressure can be measured using your mobile device. The user just needs to press their finger on the camera for a few seconds. Technology continues to develop greatly,…

dicas de skincare

Best skincare tips to take care of your skin

Advertising However, we know how important it is to maintain a skin care routine to avoid future problems such as dark spots on the face, vitiligo, acne, psoriasis and other problems that may occur in the short or long term. Certainly, no matter how tiring the day-to-day routine of work and services is…