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Showing: 19 RESULTS
editar fotos de bebê

How to use apps to edit baby photos

Publicidade Decerto fazer fotografias de bebês é nova tendência, pois os pais procuram registrar cada momento do filho. De tal forma que por meio das fotos possa acompanhar o crescimento e ver cada detalhe e mudança. Contudo nem sempre é possível contratar um profissional para fazer registros do seu bebê, desse modo sabemos que tirar …

aplicativo para rastrear celular

Cell phone tracking apps

Publicidade Um aplicativo de rastreamento móvel é um software instalado em um dispositivo para rastrear suas atividades, incluindo localização GPS. Aprenda a como rastrear qualquer celular pelo número. Sendo assim, se seu smartphone for perdido ou roubado, você ainda pode tentar recuperá-lo. Para isto, existem muitas ferramentas para rastrear dispositivos, então você pelo menos saberá …

aplicativo com papéis de parede para celular

Best apps to download wallpapers

Advertising If you don't want to use photos from the gallery, one option is to look for a specific app to get the wallpaper. Check out the best apps for downloading wallpapers. With a large number of high-definition images, these tools can customize your device's screen in just a few steps. At the moment, …

envelhecer pessoas pelo celular

Best cell phone apps to age you in photos

Advertising Have you ever stopped to think about what your appearance would look like after a few years? Who never, right? Discover now the best cell phone apps to age you in photos. And it was based on this thought that the aging effects of the FaceApp and Oldify applications were created. Developed to answer that question…

deixar pessoas carecas em fotos

Applications to make you bald

Advertising Changing your appearance always gives you butterflies in your stomach, right? This happens when we idealize our locks based on hairstyles we've never had before, inspired by famous looks, magazine photos or something we created ourselves. Discover the best apps to make you bald. The fact is that, at this moment, it is difficult…

ler livro pelo celular

Best apps to read free books

Advertising Did you know that you can read free e-books on your Android or Apple smartphone? Just download the PDF from a website that distributes free digital books. See the best apps to read free books. Access to digital content is becoming increasingly democratic, especially considering the lower subscription fees charged…

aplicativo anti estresse

Pop It Fidget anti-stress app on cell phone

Advertising The new Pop it Fidget toy is the rage at the moment, you can find it everywhere you go, as the toy is a rubber piece with several colorful balls that caught the attention of children, but which adults can purchase as it has the stress-relieving function. Discover the anti…

envelhecer pessoa pelo celular

Applications to age people in photos and videos

Advertising Have you ever stopped to think about what you will look like when you are older? Many applications have been created and developed to resolve doubts and satisfy this curiosity. In addition to applications, Snapchat also launched an effect called “Time Machine” that can also make you look older in photos. Check out the apps for aging people...

digitalizar documento pelo celular

Applications for scanning photos and documents on your cell phone

Advertising It is very difficult for someone to have a scanner in their home, however, it is often needed and when it is necessary it is necessary to resort to other forms such as a service request, especially when you need to “scan” important documents. See how to scan photos and documents using your cell phone. For example, when you are studying, for several…