
The Public Investment Regime (PIS) 2023 is a fundamental initiative that aims to channel financial resources, so understand Calendar for consulting and withdrawing PIS 2023.

However, the program aims to promote economic growth, create job opportunities and improve the standard of living for all citizens.

Therefore, it is important that interested parties are clear about the PIS 2023 consultation and withdrawal calendar.

Furthermore, this article will provide an overview of the PIS 2023 consultation and withdrawal calendar.

It will highlight key dates on when stakeholder consultations will take place, as well as deadlines for withdrawals from the scheme.


Who is entitled to PIS?                                                         

Initially, when it comes to the PIS, there are certain groups of people who are entitled to receive it.

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Above all, this includes Brazilian workers with a formal employment contract, domestic employees and rural workers.


In addition, anyone who earns up to two minimum wages per month can also receive the benefit.


Because it is important to note that, to receive PIS, the individual must have worked for at least 30 days in the previous year and their employer must have correctly reported their salary information.

The benefit is also only available to those who have been registered with PIS for at least five years.

To find out more about the PIS 2023 consultation and withdrawal calendar, individuals can consult their employer or access the official website of the Ministry of Economy.

 It is essential that skilled workers take advantage of this benefit as it can provide much-needed financial assistance in times of hardship or unexpected expenses.

How to know the PIS value?

Later to find out the PIS value of 2023, the individual must consult the PIS 2023 consultation and withdrawal calendar.

This calendar provides important information about when individuals can check their PIS balance and when they can withdraw funds from their account.

However, it is important to note that the PIS amount is calculated based on the individual's salary and length of service at the employer.

In fact, the period of PIS 2023 consultation it typically starts in July of that year and runs until March of the following year.

So during this period, individuals can check their PIS balance by accessing their account or contacting the employer's human resources department.

So the withdrawal period generally starts in January of the following year and ends in June.

The individual must carefully analyze the PIS 202 consultation and withdrawal calendar3 so as not to miss any deadlines.

Although failure to meet these deadlines may result in the loss of potential funds or penalties for late withdrawals.

How to consult PIS 2023?

Similarly the PIS 2023 consultation and withdrawal calendar It is a crucial aspect to be considered when consulting the program.

To begin with, you need to identify the specific timeline for each phase of the process, including the consultation period, deadline for sending feedback and withdrawal date.

This information can be found on various government websites or by contacting the authorities responsible for managing the program.


Furthermore, after identifying relevant dates and deadlines, it is important to carefully review any available documentation that describes the objectives and requirements of the project. PIS 2023.

 This will help you formulate targeted questions that address specific concerns or areas of interest related to your query.

Additionally, it may be helpful to seek out resources such as online forums or expert advisors who can provide further guidance on how best to approach the problem. consultation with PIS 2023.

By taking advantage of these resources and taking a strategic approach to your inquiry, you can maximize your chances of gaining valuable information about this important program.

PIS 2023 payment calendar

O PIS 2023 payment calendar It is an important aspect for Brazilian workers eligible for the benefit.

But the consultation and withdrawal calendar This program was established by the government, setting specific dates on which individuals can check their eligibility and withdraw payments.

Additionally, follow the calendar below:

Birth monthReceive fromThey receive up to


For more information access Gov. BR