
We know how important it is to take care of our health and maintain a exercise routine generates several benefits such as: increases cardiorespiratory resistance, decreases the risk of developing heart diseases, increases disposition, self-esteem, etc.

Often due to having a very hectic routine and having to set aside time to move to practice exercises, it must be a little complicated, right?

Based on that, we separate for you the best apps to train at home, since we are always connected through our cell phones and using the device in our favor is even better.


O application presents itself to be very dynamic that has in its function to carry out Exercises interacting with friends via video, thus providing the workouts more fun.

O endomondo It has a paid version that gives the user access to other benefits such as: planning exercises, analyzing heart rate and is free of ads.


Nike Training Club

O Nike Training Club Is totally free and makes more available 100 workouts which are divided into categories such as: resistance, yoga, mobility  and etc.

every training that you are going to carry out has a time between 15 and 45 minutes, this way you can choose any room in your House to carry out the practice of training, and as you improve you can advance the levels.



O Rustastic this one linked to running, being already famous for having several targeted applications such as: squats, push-ups and sit-ups.


The platform can help in various stages of your exercise routine being able to set goals to achieve your goals, fitness challenges such as running and walking, so you can record each workout completed.

Home Workout

O Home Workout has warm-up exercises and animated videos to help each training thus being able to visualize the evolution in front of the graphs.

Lose weight in 30 days at home

O application in addition to offering several exercises without equipment to be made in your House and in this way the user has to activate the goals to motivate himself more and more, thus increasing the frequencies of the Exercises to achieve even better results.

 The platform offers guidance on diet and calorie counting, in order to stay focused on each practice.


Freeletics-training Coach

O freeletics It has artificial intelligence directing the programming of various exercises based on the user's goals.

 O application contains paid features offering the personalized workouts with the help of a personal trainer defining your workout styles thus changing the rhythms to more advanced ones.


O BTFTI offers different categories of workouts to be done in House directed to lose weight and to win lean mass.

O application contains several group classes such as: yoga, abs, cardio dance, which may last up to 25 minutes.

Train at home on mobile

You can also test a personal trainer so that you can carry out the workouts according to your objective, getting better physical conditioning and adhering benefits to better health.


Choose one of the applications mentioned in the text above and test them already available on Google play store and app store.