
Primarily until the present moment we have experienced the crisis with the coronavirus, thus technology has been joining forces to help make life easier for Brazilians. Discover the best apps to measure saturation on your cell phone.

Certainly people became more concerned about the health, in this way looking for ways to be alert to be able to measure blood oxygen saturation for the purpose of using apps to perform this test.

Furthermore, since technology brings practicality and convenience, which can be used anywhere whenever necessary, we will show you some applications so you can measure saturation by cell phone, follow along.


However the health is an application developed by samsung a principle of providing the performance of various functions such as: weight control, sleep time and oxygen saturation meter.

However, the oxygen saturation measurement only works for the most modern cell phones, which have the digital sensor.


First, to measure the saturation, enable the function "stress" then place your finger on the sensor, in a short time the platform will read, showing the result.


Surprisingly the Binah has a partnership with Albert Einstein Hospital and Mater Dei Health Network presents an easily accessible technology in order to obtain quick results in a few clicks.


Thus, the user will be able to detect vital signs in a single photo, while analyze forehead and cheek soon after you will have the results.


However, the platform helps to identify: heart rate, heart rate variation, stress, oxygen saturation and breathing.

therefore being a application very successful being used in 20 million patients worldwide, in such a way the service is used in several areas of health, patient care, wellness care, among others.

Why measure saturation?

Because it is fundamental for medical evaluation, in this way an analysis of the blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate and temperature.

Although everything is interconnected with our body and, in addition, it can identify problems such as:

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  • Anemia
  • Heart problems: heart failure or hereditary problems
  • Respiratory problems: embolism, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, among others.


Care of blood oxygen saturation

certainly keep health care it is fundamental, in this way it can cause future problems.

While saturation considers ideals 95% above, although the percentage may vary depending on the clinical condition of each patient, such as, for example, a person with a respiratory problem, obstructive pulmonary disease or asthma, it may still have a lower saturation 88%-90% not being a cause for concern.

Measure saturation by cell phone

Why you should be aware when the saturation decreases quickly reaching below 85-90% it can certainly present other types of problems.

For example: pneumonia, heart failure or anemia and it is necessary to refer the patient to the hospital.


Finally, it is necessary to emphasize that the applications do not replace a medical consultation, serving only for routine control, if the patient feels sick, it is necessary to seek a doctor immediately.


The apps listed above can be downloaded from Google play store and app store.