
Did you stop and wonder how will your appearance in a few years? Apps to age people in photos.

Quem nunca né? Sendo assim, foram desenvolvidos os effects of application aging faceApp and oldify nos quais são baseados nessa ideia.

Conheça agora os melhores apps to age people in photos.

Designed to answer this popular user question, satisfy everyone's curiosity and imagine how will we be when we grow old.

Dessa forma, nesta lista, citaremos apenas dois dos apps furniture most suitable for this edition, which allow you to use this resource in a practical and interesting way.


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Check out the apps to age you in photos.

Oldify app

Firstly, the application oldify is still one of the best-selling paid platforms in the apps App Store.


O application was created in the year 2013 and underwent a major update in 2017, being very popular and ranking second in the App Store.


Currently, the cost of application is around 0.99 US dollars and offers users the facial photo aging function.

Por fim, como um processo de conversão que é basicamente igual ao FaceApp, dê uma olhada em um pequeno tutorial.

1. Download and open the application on your mobile device. If you want, you can select the imported photo from the device gallery or take a new photo directly from the app.

2. Put your face on the screen and wait for the automatic conversion of the application work. For the best positioning results, accuracy is very important.

3. The application offers very realistic animations and images and allows you to share photos on social networks such as WhatsApp, after finishing them.

FaceApp App

faceApp it is a application created in 2016, but released a long time later. The number of social media users has increased significantly in the year of release of this app.

Sendo assim, na plataforma do Instagram ele também foi muito popularizado, várias celebridades apresentaram um grande número de postagens, mostrando how they will look when they get older.

In addition, the application It also provides users with other photo features and filters such as gender change, conversion to a younger version, and so on.

Nesse sentido, aprenda a aplicar aging effects on your photos with faceApp

1. When opening the faceApp app, you can select an existing photo, choose to import from gallery, or take a new photo.

Desse modo, lembre-se, de acordo com o próprio application, all photos uploaded to the cloud are temporary and therefore will not be stored on the server.


2. After selecting or importing the desired photos, a display effects menu will appear at the bottom of your device's screen. Where multiple options will be available for free, to choose an aging option, just click on one degree of aging, such as “Age” for example.

3. In the “Age” option, you can change the photo version to include “old” and “good old ” Just select one of the two options and wait for the conversion to complete.

4. To save the edited image, select “Save” and a page will open for you to share this photo or before and after photos.

Note: These tutorials were based on an iOS device, but on Android, the process and options will be basically the same.


Por fim, faça como os apps to shave people, or as we apps to make a person bald, and have fun with apps that make you old in photos.

to download the apps mentioned, go to Google Play Store or App Store.