
As always, several apps were developed to provide ease and convenience to internet users, which makes cell phone as an ally for everyday tasks and activities.

In the face of the pandemic, fitness apps became a reality for Brazilians, with the aim of providing training and nutrition tips.

Currently, these apps occupy a significant space in the Play Store (Android) and App Store (iOS), providing people who have interest in taking better care of body shape. Check out the apps to train at home.

Be Brave Fit (Android|iOS)

O Be Brave Fit is a platform for people who want start a healthier and more balanced life. Therefore, they offer complete solutions that include courses, exercises, nutrition and psychology concepts to help people achieve their goals.


Being a project between the personal trainer Marcio Lui and the presenter Sabrina Sato, the app aims to integrate everything you need to start a healthier life in one place.

Nike Training Club (Android|iOS)

O application Nike Training Club is one of the most famous apps in training in House, giving users the option to choose between strength or endurance and flexibility exercises. There are more than 160 Exercises free to choose from, which are separated into beginner, intermediate and advanced categories.


O training lasts 15 to 45 minutes and can be done anywhere, without using weights at home, or with the equipment provided at the gym.


In addition, the application also allows syncing with Apple Health or Google Fit.

30 day challenge (Android|iOS)

This one application offers a 30 day challenge, which contains several Exercises for arms, abdomen, legs and buttocks. Each exercise has a different chart to demonstrate how to do it.

All the Exercises are divided by conditioning level to help users to improve your health. You can also track your progress and the results obtained.

As it is free, small ads may appear while using the application, but will not completely stop its operation.

BTFIT-Single at home (Android|iOS)

O BTFIT was developed by gym bodytech and, like other gyms, offers Exercises and trainings that can be followed, but through courses and classes taught by teachers, the tool is called an "online personal trainer", so that the training be more excited.

However, the training is customized according to the data and information filled in by the user. You may check your performance and monitor your evolution, caloric expenditure and changes in body measurements.

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This one application offers a free version and a paid version, in which live broadcasts and several trainings.


exercises at home (Android|iOs)

unlike the apps mentioned above, the training provided by the app exercises at home it is more geared towards programs that focus on body parts such as legs, arms, chest, and abdomen.

workout at home on mobile

This is a app free that also provides exercises that do not require equipment, which can be done in your own house, create daily reminders and, for those who want to lose weight, you can also track your weight every time you do Exercises.


Download the application What caught your attention the most Play Store or in App Store.